Hartest Neighbourhood Plan

The Hartest Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) is being prepared by Hartest Parish Council. When complete it may set out the views of the community about:

  • Establishing planning policies for the development and use of land;
  • Locations within the parish where new homes, employment and community uses should be located, and
  • the appearance and design of any new buildings constructed

Latest news...

Reg 14 - Pre-submission Consultation (18 Jan to 15 March 2021)

Hartest Parish Council are consulting on their latest 'pre-submission' draft version NDP. See the Parish Council's NDP webpage for more information

Previous stages...

Reg 14 - Pre-submission Consultations (Spring 2017 and Spring 2018)

Hartest Parish Council published a Pre-submission draft version of their NDP in Spring 2017 for consultation. A revised (second) draft plan was consulted on during Spring 2018. 

Reg 05 - Area Designation (June 2014)

In April 2014, the Parish Council submitted an application to define the boundary of their Neighbourhood Plan area.  This was consulted on between 22 April and 3 June 2014. As no objections were received,  Babergh District Council designated the Neighbourhood Plan Area on 5 June 2014. A notice to this effect can be viewed below: