Speak at Committees

Members of the public can attend all our Full Council, Cabinet and committee meetings, to hear discussions on public items included in our published agendas. All agendas have to be published five clear working days before the meeting (excluding the meeting day itself) - they can be accessed online:

Read our Council and committee agendas

The public are able to speak at four of our committees. They are:

  • Full Council
  • Overview and Scrutiny
  • Audit and Standards
  • Planning

Speaking at a committee takes the form of either a question, or a pre-written statement. This will depend on which committee you would like to speak at.

Submit a question

Questions can be submitted to our Full Council, Overview and Scrutiny, and Audit and Standards committees. Questions cannot be submitted to our Planning committees.

A question may only be asked at our Full Council committee if it has been sent to the Monitoring Officer (in writing, or by email) no later than midday, three clear working days before the meeting.

A question may only be asked at our Overview and Scrutiny or Audit and Standards committees if it has been sent to our Chief Executive (in writing, or by email) no later than midday, three clear working days before the meeting.

Questions must include your name, address and the name of the relevant Cabinet Member that your question is addressed to.

At one committee meeting, no one may submit more than two questions. No organisation may submit more than one question.

Your question may be rejected if:

  1. the issue is not our responsibility, and or does not affect the relevant district
  2. it is defamatory, frivolous or offensive
  3. it is the same as a question which has been submitted to the committee within the last six months
  4. it requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
  5. it relates to a personal issue, or an individual case

The questioner will be invited to present their question at the meeting, by the Chairman of the committee. If the questioner is unable to attend, they may ask the Chairman to put the question forward to the committee on their behalf.

Submit a question

Register to speak (Planning committee only)

Members of the public can register to speak on an application that is being considered by our Planning committees. Speakers must register their intention to speak with our Committee Services team, at least one clear working day before the meeting.

Public speakers will have three minutes to make their representation to the committee, as detailed in our Public Speaking Charter. Speakers are encouraged to attend the committee in person. However, virtual arrangements can occasionally be set up, upon request.

Read our Public Speaking Charter

Members of the public can register to speak as either an Objector or a Supporter of the application. Parish council representatives, agents and applicants, and ward members are also entitled to speak. More than one person can register to speak in the same capacity - but the three minute total speaking time must be split between them.

Register to speak at Planning committee