How we can change our land

In addition to our successful trees, hedgerows and wildflowers scheme, we are also looking at how we can improve the land that we own.

Areas of meadow can often be produced by changing mowing regimes on open spaces and verges. This encourages wildflowers and grass to grow.

We always want to know whether there are:

  • existing areas of land, where wildflowers are present, that we should avoid
  • areas where there would be local support in favour of us allowing it to grow

This might mean that we reduce mowing in the area, or stop altogether. It might mean that we only mow the areas next to footpaths - or cut meandering paths through large areas, rather than cutting everything.

You can see the areas of land that we manage or own via our online map.

Turn on the 'Public Realm Maintenance' layers to view the areas that we are responsible for maintaining. If you would like to make changes to a certain area, please send us a map of of the proposed area of land.

Please email with any comments or suggestions you may have.

The following image shows an area that has been left entirely uncut:

Grassy area that has been left uncut

The following image shows an area where strips have been cut on either side of the path:

Path with strips of grass cut on either side